Gareth Morris
Gareth trained in Birmingham and London before moving over to Ireland in 2018, where he is pursuing a prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Fellowship. Gareth is interested in recording the electrical activity of brains and how this changes in epilepsy. Outside the lab, Gareth likes sports, food and languages. Gareth co-founded Epilepsy in English, and continues to edit the website.
Twitter: @GarethMorris5

Cristina Reschke
Cristina is Brazilian neuroscientist who adopted Dublin as home. She studied Pharmacy and worked in hospitals for three years when she decided to follow her childhood dreams – becoming a scientist. In Brazil, Cristina did a Masters and a PhD in Pharmacology focused on brain inflammation and epilepsy and, as part of her training, spent about a year in Italy. She moved to Ireland in 2013 for her postdoctoral training at RCSI and in late 2020 she was appointed Lecturer in the School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences. Her team is interested in investigating the molecular mechanisms of epilepsy development in order to develop better treatments – specifically, how disruptions of circadian rhythms affect gene expression. In her free time, Cristina enjoys walks and hikes, gardening (and staying in contact with nature), listening to audiobooks and a good chats with friends – not necessarily in this order. Cristina is co-founder of Epilepsy in English with Gareth.
Twitter: @cristinareschke

David Henshall
David is an Anglo-Irish neuroscientist who lives and works in Dublin. He studied Pharmacology for his undergraduate and PhD studies then moved to the USA where he spent six years between Pittsburgh and Portland. He came to RCSI in 2004 where he is currently Professor of Molecular Physiology and Neuroscience and the Director of the FutureNeuro Research Centre. His team are interested in the causes, diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy and neurodevelopmental disorders. In his free time, David enjoys running, reading, vegan cooking and as much time as possible with his family.
Twitter: @Prof_DCHenshall

Torie Robinson
Torie is an international public speaker regarding epilepsy and mental health, blogger, consultant, and CEO of Epilepsy Sparks After her own temporal lobe resection and stints in psychiatric hospital, Torie switched gear, moving from corporate finance to her passions: neuroscience, epileptology, and research & development. Her purpose is to bridge the unnecessary gap between clinicians, scientists, researchers, and patients, and enable other humans to see why epilepsy research is so exciting! Epilepsy Sparks speaks to people from around the world, empowering them through education regarding epilepsy, epilepsy research, and positivity. In her free time, Torie likes to travel, play the piano (working on Bohemian Rhapsody right now!), go for long walks, do gardening (with over 100 indoor plants…), and where possible, laugh.
Twitter: @torierobinson10

Janosch Heller
Janosch is a German biologist who lives and works in Dublin. He read biology in Germany before moving to the UK to study for a PhD in Clinical Neurosciences. After working as a scientist in London, Janosch moved to Dublin to join the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. At the end of 2020, he joined Dublin City University as an Assistant Professor in Biomedical Sciences. His team is interested in how astrocytes change in diseases such as epilepsy and how we can target these cells as novel treatment options. In his free time, Janosch likes to explore the Irish countryside and enjoys a good novel and reality TV shows.
Twitter: @JanoschHeller

Marc-Michel Wilson
Marc is a scientist who lives in Dublin, but was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. After school he studied music theory, piano and drums, before completing undergraduate studies in biochemistry and human physiology. He then moved more toward molecular and bioinformatic techniques while working towards a masters’ in clinical microbiology and infectious diseases. He now uses the skills and techniques he’s learned to try and understand the molecular basis of genetic epilepsies. When not in the lab Marc is either reading, writing, or playing drums.